Parenting Therapy and Counseling

Licensed Therapists

Telehealth and In-Person Services Available

Christian-Oriented Counseling


Therapy and the Art of Raising Kids

Want a lofty goal to shoot for? How about bringing up your children to be spiritually, emotionally and relationally healthy? Great goal... but how to get there?

You face one of the biggest responsibilities in your life when you raise a child. It is also one of the most challenging things you will ever do. There may be truth in the old saying, “It takes a village”. You might be surprised how helpful counseling is. Getting objective input from a professional who works with parents and kids all the time can be very helpful. It often turns things around.

Our therapists at Keys to Living see hundreds of families every year. We have a wealth of experience in doing therapy and counseling with parents and families. We would like to be part of helping you raise your wonderful kids. We are not the parent, but we would love to help you parent most effectively. Visit us today.

If You Need Help With Your Kids, Why Wait?

Call us to check same-day service availability.

(319) 377-2161

(319) 377-2161

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Keys to Living

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