Child Therapy Services

Licensed Therapists

Telehealth and In-Person Services Available

Christian-Oriented Counseling


Reaching a Child in Pain

Children are like sponges. They take in their surroundings. They're vulnerable to what they experience around them. Sometimes they're in situations that they're not equipped to deal with. They see and hear things that aren't for a child’s eyes and ears. Things get inside.

If your child is going through challenging circumstances, like a divorce or has a parent with emotional problems, he or she may need help. If there are changes in your child that don't seem to be related to situations around them, there may be other kinds of issues involved.

Therapy requires a different approach to help a child express. Child therapists need training, but they also must be gifted. Keys to Living has skilled and gifted child therapists. Call us today.

If Your Child is Struggling, We Want to Help

Call us to check same-day service availability.

(319) 377-2161

(319) 377-2161

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Keys to Living

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