Trauma and PTSD Therapy

Licensed Therapists

Telehealth and In-Person Services Available

Christian-Oriented Counseling


Take a Step That Can Change Your Life

You may have heard of PTSD. People who have seen combat, been in a serious accident, or have been a victim of violence often suffer from PTSD. But so do people who have suffered any kind of abuse or have heard that their spouse is having an affair. Post Trauma - the PT in PTSD - has to do with the powerful and lasting after-effects of a traumatic event.

A number of our therapists at Keys to Living have been trained in an approach to trauma called EMDR. We have seen truly incredible results from this treatment and highly recommend it to anyone who is suffering from PTSD. Please seek help if you have struggled with a past event that still impacts you. We are very hopeful that we can be of help.

Visit us and discuss your situation with one of our therapists. They will be more than happy to educate you on the EMDR process.

EMDR Therapy Is an Effective Approach to Recover From Trauma

Call us to check same-day service availability.

(319) 377-2161

(319) 377-2161

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