Counseling for Depression

Licensed Therapists

Telehealth and In-Person Services Available

Christian-Oriented Counseling


When Your Mood Gets in the Way of Your Life

Depression is a common reason people come for counseling. If you are experiencing several of the following you may have clinical depression.

  • Lack of enjoyment: When you lose the enjoyment you have always gotten from your children or doing the things you love the most.

  • Negative thinking: When you are unable to find anything positive in your life.

  • Lack of energy: When you run low on energy day after day.

  • Lack of motivation: When you lose the desire to accomplish or do every day tasks.

  • Sadness: The feeling of sadness and being down for a continued period of time (for weeks or more).

  • Avoiding people: People require more energy and effort than you have. You stay away.

Life is to be lived. Every moment. Depression robs you of your life. Our therapists can help you feel better and think in healthier ways. Call Keys to Living to schedule an appointment today.

Your Thoughts and Mood Can Change With Our Help

Call us to check same-day service availability.

(319) 377-2161

(319) 377-2161

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